Important Dates

The ASP 2024 SEOUL Organizing Committee invites you to submit abstracts for E-POSTER.
All abstracts for the congress are required to be submitted through the "Online Submission System". (Please find the button labeled 'Go to Online Submission' below.)
The submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Academic Program Committee.
All accepted abstracts will be displayed as E-POSTERS. Authors whose abstracts are accepted will be notified via email regarding the preparation of E-POSTER files.
A few abstracts among the accepted abstracts can be presented briefly during the Poster Highlights session.
Please be aware that simply submitting abstracts does not imply that you have completed the registration process. Presenters must register for the congress after submitting an abstract.
Please ensure that you carefully review the guidelines before submitting your abstract.
Abstract Submission Guideline
● Abstract must be text only and written in English. (Presentation language: English)
● In the original research, the abstract body text should be structured chronologically into four sections: Background-Methods-Results-Conclusion.
● In the case report, the abstract body text should be structured chronologically into three sections: Background(Introduction)-Case-Conclusion.
● Abstract submissions are encouraged to adhere to a recommended maximum of 250 words for clarity and brevity. Title, authors, and affiliations are not counted in the 250 words limit.
● Please ensure accuracy in your abstract as all content, including any errors, will be reproduced in the program book exactly as submitted.
Notification of Acceptance
● All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Academic Program Committee according to reviewing procedures.
● Notification of acceptance will be sent by e-mail to corresponding and presenting authors from August 9, 2024.
● The presenting author should reply to the acceptance notification for confirmation of attendance.
Abstract Withdrawal
● If you have to withdraw an abstract, please notify the secretariat ( in writing as soon as possible.
ASP 2024 Secretariat's Office
Room 301, 347, Hwagok-ro, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Tel. +82.2.6956.7967
E-mail :